Orang Utan Republik
Daily Tour #19
Orang Utan Republik Foundation has been created by PhD Gary Shapiro. The mission of the Foundation Republik remained true to its founding principles - to save the orangutans of Indonesia through conservation education, outreach initiatives, and innovative collaborative programs that inspire and call people to action.
PanomaticsVR is very well aware that its carbon footprint it does generate during its business activities are bad for our planet and therefore been donating since over 6 years to this cause.
If you want to get involved to please visit the website: https://www.orangutanrepublik.org.
In this virtual tour you will discover:
- Sally, the orangutan lady with her baby waiting for some fruits at the feeding station.
- The school yard with all the kids who are able to receive education via the foundations funding.
- The vegetable garden, which cultivates a diverse mix of plants and teaches about the importance of their co-existence verse mono cultivation and its severe impact on nature.
- The massive big ancient tree and its connection and importance to our human survival.